High quality papers for review and possible publication are invited for submission. Academic papers may be either conceptual/theoretical or empirical. Papers submitted for publication are peer reviewed and papers must be written in English.
Papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they are not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere for publication. Papers are also considered on the understanding that they are the original works of the author(s). Upon acceptance, authors are expected to submit letters attesting to originality of the work.
Mode of Submission
Original manuscripts should be uploaded through the Manuscript Submission page on the journal website or be sent electronically to Papers will be duly acknowledged and authors will be informed about the status of their paper after peer review process and also of any necessary payments where applicable. Contributors will be entitled to a copy of the edition in which their article appears. Request for additional copies will attract additional cost.
Standard length of paper should be between 3500 and 5000 words, double-line spacing including abstract and references, but shorter contributions are also welcomed.
Every submission must include Title, Author(s) Name, Institutional Address, E-mail, and Phone Number(s).
The text should be double spaced throughout and with a minimum of 1 inch for left and right hand margins and 1 inch also for head and foot. Text should be standard 12 – point, Time New Roman, MS word format.
The paper should include an abstract of not more than 250 words, which should indicate the major objectives, methodologies and findings.
Keywords or phrases (between 4 – 6 words, separated by semi-colon) should be given below the abstract on a separate line.
This section should contain introductory remarks and background to the study with relevant literature and citations.
Methodology (Materials and Methods)
This section should provide information on how the study was carried out. The procedures adopted should be adequately reported.
Results and Discussion
The findings of the study should be presented with clarity and precision. It is advisable to present the results using the past tense. The results should then be discussed by comprehensively analysing and interpreting trends and relationships observed in the results. The results should be interpreted and compared to the results of previous researchers on the subject. This section may also be divided into subsections with each having a concise subheading.
The major conclusions drawn from the findings of the study should be presented in this section. This should highlight the significance of the study and show how the research problem has been solved. The author could also point out any remaining gaps in knowledge thereby paving way for further research.
Text Pages
The text pages include the following sections: Abstract, introduction, methodology (materials and methods), results, discussion, conclusion and references.
The authors should acknowledge any support received in the course of carry out the study. This could be in the form of funding for the research and assistance provided by persons.
Authors are expected to ensure that there is no conflict of interest in articles submitted for publication.
Citations and References
Citations and references should conform to the APA format. Only works cited in the paper should be included in the reference section. All works cited in the body of the paper must appear at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors and chronologically